Kinesio Taping: What's all the hype about?

Most people have seen bright colored taping on TV, at a local sporting events, or on people around town but not many people know what Kinesio Tape is and how it can help. This post will help you get acquainted with this great tool so you can get the most out of your treatments. 

Where Is Kinesio Taping From?
Kinesio Taping Method was invented by a Japanese Chiropractor, Dr. Kanzo Kase. He was searching for a way to extend his treatments after patients left his office. Dr. Kase felt that traditional taping methods like McConnell taping didn’t fill his need. In 1973 he developed the Elastic Kinesio Tex Tapeas a way to extend his treatments after the visit.

What Is Kinesio Taping?
Kinesio Tex Tape is a non-medicated hypoallergenic cotton fiber tape, with a non-latex heat-activated backing. Similar to the skin of the knee, neck and low back, Kinesio Tape can be stretched 40%-60% of its resting length. Kinesio Tape is used in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques to facilitate the bodies natural healing process. Due to its stretch, Kinesio tape can support muscles and stabilize joints while allowing for the bodies natural range of motion. With hundreds of application techniques for applying kinesio tape, it is important to have a well trained Kinesio Taping practitioner assessing the need and applying the appropriate treatment.

What Is Kinesio Taping Good For?
Kinesio Taping is safe for all ages, and can help with many conditions from athletic injuries to illnesses. Tape is applied to normalize muscle function, assist normal circulation/lymphatic flow, remodel fascial tissue, and improve joint balance. Kinesio taping has gained notoriety through use by Olympic and professional athletes. With 85% of Kinesio Taping applications designed for general patient populations, taping not only befits athletes at the peak of human performance but allows people to get back to doing the things they enjoy.

How Does Kinesio Taping Work?
Though more research is needed, Kinesio Taping has been proven to have positive physiological effects on the skin, lymphatic and circulatory system, fascia, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. By targeting different receptors within the skin, Kinesio® Tex Tape alleviates pain and facilitates fluid drainage by lifting the skin. This lifting effect forms convolutions in the skin thus increasing space and allowing for faster healing in injured areas.

Why Kinesio Taping Is Great?
Over the last 40 years the Kinesio Taping Method has developed into a well recognized therapy widely used by some of the best practitioners. A well trained practitioner can use proper assessment and tape application to continue their therapeutic plan long after a patient has left their office. Using the vast number of applications and tensions practitioners can tailor a treatment to an individuals needs. Whether it is swelling after an injury, poor posture, or a chronic injury, Kinesio Tape may be a treatment that lasts in your path to health.

At Active Integrative Medicine, both Dr. Pinchot and Dr. Borys have extensive training in kinesio taping. Dr. Pinchot is also a Certified Kinesio Taping Practicioner (CKTP).


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